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Fate Challenged (e-book #2)

Fate Challenged (e-book #2)

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Read the Synopsis

šŸŒŸĀ ā€œThe Fate Series: A Spellbinding Journey of Magic, Intrigue, and Destinyā€Ā šŸŒŸ

In the enchanting world crafted byĀ Tara Lytle, magic weaves its threads through every corner. Readers have raved about this captivating universe:

ā€œI so loved the 1st book in this series and couldn't wait to read the 2nd. It did not disappoint! I love this world that Tara created. It was another book I could not put down! Some crazy twists and turns that kept me engaged and thinking long after I finished reading..ā€Ā ā€”Ā Jeff Van, Amazon (5-star review)

ā€œSuch a great storyline in an immersive world. All of Tara's books are a must read!ā€”Ā Author M. George, Amazon (5-star review)

Step into the desperate battle for survival, where a tapestry of divine design unfurls. Woven by the very hands of Gods, it confers upon a young girl the coveted title ofĀ ā€˜the most powerful mage alive.ā€™

šŸ”®Ā IsabelleĀ has always treasured peace and anonymity, but destiny refuses to comply. As the kingdom hurtles into war, Isabelle emerges as theirĀ greatest weapon.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Isabelle grapples with her role. She stands at the heart of the war effort, a beacon of hope forĀ Aberron. But as the Gods bestow new magical abilities upon her, a terrible realization dawns: her life hangs in the balance, andĀ the Gods harbor their own agenda.

šŸ“šĀ The Fate SeriesĀ is best enjoyed reading in order:

Fate Not Chosen

Fate Challenged

Fate Conquered

Embark on this thrilling journey where destiny hangs in the balance, and magic ignites the soul. Buy Now! šŸŒ āœØ

Read Chapter One

"I am in love with you, Isabelle,ā€ Andrew said.

Usually I would reply that I loved him, too, but since heā€™d chosen to announce this in front of his parents, my brother, his cousin, and Malsin, I paused. We were congregated in the family sitting room. King Brian, Henry, and I played a game of Pilfer. Malsin and Queen Averly, engaged in friendly conversation, sat in soft chairs near the roaring fire. My brother, Joshua, and Andrew had only just arrived.

The strength in Andrewā€™s tone amazed me. ā€œEvery day I fall more in love with youā€”your smile, the sparkle in your eyes, your tenacity and passion. I cannot bear another second wondering if I will ever have you by my side.ā€

I blinked several times to hold back the tears threatening to overflow and spill down my cheeks. No words ever spoken had sounded so beautiful or rung so deep in my soul. I felt my heart might burst with love, affection, and, most of all, devotion.

Andrew took a deep breath and asked, ā€œIsabelle Elaine Mirran, would you please accept a proposal of marriage and do me the honor of becoming my wife?ā€

My eyes widened. I looked to my brother and guardian, Joshua, and Andrewā€™s father, King Brian. Joshua had been against my relationship with the prince from the start. Was he seriously letting Andrew propose? Did King Brian think I was suitable enough for his son? Joshua shrugged and King Brian smiled. I took it that theyā€™d given inā€”at least my brother had. I did not know King Brian well enough to discern his true feelings on the matter.

Past them, Malsin and Queen Averly smiled, and Henry, Andrewā€™s cousin, grinned. I saw no ill feelings anywhere.

Saying yes to Andrew meant I would eventually become queen, a position Iā€™d never wanted. I despised attention. And yet, my chest burned with my love for Andrew. The thought of giving him up sent a thrill of fear through my veins. Losing him scared me more than being queen. So even if he did come with an unwanted job and an abundance of scrutiny, I could not survive without him.

As I opened my mouth to accept his proposal, the door opened. A soldier stood panting, his hands on his knees as he fought for breath.

ā€œDregaitiaā€”ā€ he choked out, still gasping heavily from his apparent flat-out run to notify King Brian. ā€œThe Dregans are attacking.ā€

Queen Averly and Henry gasped. Joshua and Malsin frowned deeply.

King Brian said with exasperation, ā€œOh, great.ā€

The tender moment between Andrew and me shattered. A shiver went down my spine as the room plunged into ice. So much for our nice quiet night in the royalsā€™ personal family sitting room.

I resented the soldier delivering the news, but he couldnā€™t have known that Andrew had been proposing. An offer of marriage seemed inconsequential compared to another country attacking ours. Yet I wished things had unfolded differently.

Everyoneā€™s eyes darted between Andrew and me and the soldier. I smiled ruefully at Andrew. ā€œShall we wait?ā€

He shook his head. ā€œI wonā€™t be able to concentrate on anything else without your answer.ā€

I leaned forward and stopped a breath away from his face. ā€œI love you. My answer is yes.ā€

ā€œThank the Gods.ā€ His blue eyes danced. Closing the distance, he pressed his lips quickly to mine and then stood behind my chair to face the soldier.

Joshua, Malsin, and Andrewā€™s family smiled and offered congratulations. My family now, I supposed. It was hard to imagine King Brian as family when his law sentenced me to death so recently. I saw him as king, not a father-in-law.

ā€œThank you,ā€ Andrew and I said.

King Brian studied the two of us. Seeming satisfied that we were ready to focus our attention on the new threat, he turned to the soldier. The man appeared a tad uncomfortable to have interrupted us.

ā€œWhere?ā€ King Brian asked.

The soldier spoke in a rush. ā€œTheyā€™ve overtaken Prastis.ā€

ā€œNo!ā€ I cried, my voice strangulated. Sarenā€™s sister town. The small fishing community was only a four-hour walk from Saren. Nathan often traveled there for business, twice a month for two days. I knew those people almost as well as I knew the residents of Saren.

Eyes flicked to me for a moment with varying degrees of curiosity. Andrew rested his hands on my shoulders and squeezed.

King Brian demanded answers from the soldier. ā€œWhat else do you know?ā€

ā€œNothing else, Highness,ā€ The soldier said. ā€œWeā€™re gathering information from a messenger at the Thimbleton outpost as we speak.ā€

ā€œDid the messenger come from Prastis?ā€ King Brian asked.

ā€œNo, he came from Saren, Highness,ā€ the soldier responded.

Stefan. He was the best messenger they had. Dread filled my entire being. I clutched my stomach with unease.

King Brian rose. ā€œI expect a full report by the time I reach my study. Youā€™re dismissed.ā€

The soldier bowed and ran out of the room.

King Brian said to Andrew and me, ā€œI suggest we wait to announce your engagement to Aberronians until we have a handle on the Dregans.ā€

I saw no reason to object. Andrew apparently didnā€™t either, because we said ā€œFineā€ together.

ā€œIsabelle, walk with me,ā€ King Brian ordered.

I jumped out of my seat to follow as he exited the sitting room. Nerves gripped me at being singled out. I didnā€™t want to be a disappointment to him, especially since Andrew and I were now to be married. Andrew and the rest of our family trailed close behind us.

ā€œTell me what you know about Prastis.ā€

I jogged to keep up with the kingā€™s long strides. ā€œItā€™s a small fishing community on the coast, no more than five hundred people. Saren regularly trades crops for their fish.ā€

ā€œHow far is Prastis from Saren?ā€ King Brian asked.

ā€œFour hours on foot in good weather,ā€ I answered. ā€œThe whole area is made up of simple folk, not fighters, and no mages.ā€

ā€œEasy targets for Dregaitia,ā€ King Brian growled.

My stomach churned.

Dregaitia was a large country separated from Aberron by a body of water known as the Sea Travelerā€™s Channel or the channel for short. Prastis was situated in the narrowest part of the channel. On a clear day, you could see Dregaitia from their harbor. They had kept their lands closed to Aberron for hundreds of years. I knew nothing of their customs. I had read stories of their ruthlessness in battle when they tried to conquer Aberron three hundred years ago and failed. I read they kept no prisoners of war. They would strike down men, women, and children who got in their way with no qualms.

We arrived at the kingā€™s study, where he conducted most of his business. A sandy-haired, blue-eyed soldier stood in front of the doors. We stepped inside and took seats at the long table. The soldier remained standing.

King Brian addressed him. ā€œJames.ā€

He bowed. ā€œHighness, the Thimbleton outpost has reported that a messenger arrived carrying the seals of the orate judges of Saren and Prastis. The Dregans have attacked Prastis and sent the residents fleeing to Saren. The Dregans claim an Aberronian ship attacked and destroyed one of their ports on the channel last night. They are seeking retaliation.ā€

A new man entered the room and bowed quickly. ā€œHighness, the Barras outpost is under siege from the Dregans. They say they are grossly outnumbered, and men are dropping like flies. They donā€™t think they can hold it.ā€

ā€œAbove Prastis is the Barras outpost,ā€ King Brian said mostly to himself.

ā€œAberron Cliffs services the Barras outpost,ā€ I said from memory. ā€œThey raise livestock and trade with Saren for crops and Prastis for fish.ā€

ā€œRetreat,ā€ King Brian said firmly. ā€œHave the men at the Barras outpost gather as many as they can and move to Saren to await further instructions.ā€

ā€œYes, Highness.ā€ The man hightailed out of the room.

King Brian returned his gaze to James. ā€œGather more information. Which Dregan port did the ship attack? Did anyone else see it? I need numbers on the Dregans. Who is leading them?ā€

James nodded and left to seek out answers.

ā€œThis is ludicrous,ā€ Joshua said. ā€œNo sane Aberronian would attack Dregaitia.ā€

ā€œWas magic used to get the information to us quickly?ā€ I asked.

Andrew spoke. ā€œYes. Blue magic on gold can communicate over long distances.ā€ He gestured to the locket he wore.

ā€œJoshua, how soon can you get the First and Second Waves ready?ā€ King Brian asked.

ā€œEight hours,ā€ Joshua said with confidence.

There was a rap on the door and another soldier entered, clutching a note. ā€œHighness, this just came for you. Iā€™m told itā€™s urgent.ā€ He handed the paper to King Brian. ā€œI am to wait outside for your response.ā€ He left.

King Brian opened the note. His eyes darted across the page and then widened.

ā€œWhat is it, dear?ā€ Queen Averly asked.

King Brian folded the note but kept it clutched in his hand. ā€œItā€™s Braidus. He is aware of the Dregan attack and wants to meet. He says he lived in Dregaitia and was a member of the kingā€™s inner court. He is asking to be reinstated as a citizen and desires to help in our fight against them.ā€

I stiffened, then discovered everyone else had too.

ā€œHe wants a pardon?ā€ Andrew asked, his face masked into something unreadable. It reminded me of the way he looked when Braidus told me to end our courtship.

ā€œYes,ā€ King Brian said.

ā€œNo,ā€ Joshua and I said simultaneously.

Braidus freed, after killing my parents? After kidnapping me and Henry? My stomach rolled at the thought.

ā€œNo.ā€ I rose from my seat.

Joshua also stood, and both of us paced on opposite sides of the table, arms folded across our chests. This had to be a trick. Maybe Braidus was in league with the Dregans, especially if he once lived there with access to their king.

King Brian sighed and rubbed his temples, clearly deeply troubled. Queen Averly placed a hand on his back and rubbed. I felt a pang in my heart at the predicament of the king, but then memories of my recent kidnapping and near execution flashed through my mind and my anger at Braidus rose to the surface.

King Brian attempted a smile but faltered. ā€œWhat should I do?ā€ he asked his wife.

ā€œI think you should meet with Braidus. He is your son,ā€ she said softly.

ā€œHow are we to reconcile when I canā€™t ignore his murderous acts? He must pay for his crimes, and you know his penalty would be death,ā€ he said to her with grief.

Braidus deserved to die for his crimes.

ā€œHe is all I have of Hannah, Averly. I swore an oath to his mother that I would protect him, and Iā€™ve failed.ā€ Tears glistened in his eyes. His face crumpled in pain. ā€œI cannot sentence him again.ā€

What? He murdered my parents! Did their deaths count for nothing?

ā€œThen donā€™t,ā€ Queen Averly said simply. ā€œLeave it up to the Gods.ā€

King Brian stiffened. ā€œA Trial by Fire?ā€

She nodded, her lips in a thin line. ā€œIf the Gods see fit to spare him, then pardon Braidus. If they donā€™t, then they will carry out the judgment. Meet with Braidus and give him the option. Let him decide.ā€

King Brian took a breath and exhaled slowly. Then he nodded with what appeared to be grim determination. His shoulders straightened. ā€œAgreed.ā€

I buried my face in my hands. Stress rose exponentially until I found it hard to breathe. I didnā€™t know what a Trial by Fire was or how King Brian could get the Gods to judge Braidus, but I understood the pardon part well enough. I didnā€™t want to accept it. I couldnā€™t. I had little doubt that with Braidus free, Iā€™d see a whole lot more of him than I wanted. How could I face him again and not want to kill him?

King Brian cast his eyes on Joshua and me. ā€œIf the Gods deem Braidus worthy, then he will be pardoned. Little is known to me about the Dregans. If my son truly did live in Dregaitia, his knowledge will be indispensable in our efforts to resolve our conflict. You donā€™t have to agree with my judgment, but my decision is final. There will be consequences if either of you decide to go against this.ā€

Joshua frowned, but his eyes held resignation. ā€œYou are my king and a father to me. Iā€™ll follow your guidance till the end of time.ā€

Andrew stood and pulled me into his arms. My cheek pressed into his cotton shirt, sending a wave of calm through me.

I took a breath and said words I thought Iā€™d never hear myself say to King Brian: ā€œI might need help to keep me in check, but Iā€™ll adhere to your wishes just the same as Joshua. Youā€™re my king and soon-to-be family as well.ā€

King Brian eyed me with what appeared to be admiration. It surprised me. ā€œYou shall have it. I appreciate your willingness and honesty.ā€

ā€œYouā€™re welcome,ā€ I said softly.

ā€œHe kidnapped me too, you know,ā€ Henry said grudgingly.

ā€œAnd?ā€ King Brian raised an eyebrow.

Henry sighed. ā€œYes, Iā€™ll be good.ā€

ā€œYouā€™d better,ā€ King Brian said severely.

ā€œYouā€™ll be all right.ā€ Andrew led me back to my seat but kept our hands entwined. He leaned in close and whispered, ā€œIā€™ll keep you safe, love.ā€

My heart warmed. I loved Andrewā€™s ability to make me feel protected in a sea of worry. I admit I had questioned our relationship when Braidus held me captive, but Andrewā€™s actions now reminded me why I could not lose him. He anchored me.

King Brian rose and procured a piece of paper and a pen. He scribbled a few lines.

Needing to take my thoughts away from murdering Braidus, I contemplated my engagement to Andrew. I felt a mix of trepidation and joy at the thought of becoming his wife: scared because he was the crown prince and I wasnā€™t thrilled to become royalty; happy because I loved Andrew more than anything. I couldnā€™t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

King Brian folded the paper and stamped it with a seal. He walked to the door, handed it to the waiting soldier, and then returned to his seat.

Queen Averly rose. ā€œThis will be a long night of strategic planning and preparations to ready the soldiers for war. The sooner we get the Dregans out, the better. I will instruct the kitchens to make refreshments. We must keep our strength.ā€

ā€œWe cannot afford a minute of sleep.ā€ King Brian sighed.

Malsin spoke. ā€œI have a solution in my room that will help. I started working on it after Isabelleā€™s incident with the chains. I wanted something that would keep me awake and sustained for an extended period should I have a patient who needs round-the-clock care again. Fortunately, I made a big batch of it, though not intentionally.ā€ He looked to King Brian. ā€œWould you like to try it?ā€

ā€œYes, I would,ā€ King Brian said.

Malsin followed Queen Averly out.

King Brian retrieved the magical map Haldren had given him, the one that allowed people to see a city as it stood. Just as he unfurled it, James entered.

He bowed. ā€œHighness, an Aberronian merchant ship called the Wind Rogue has just docked at the Elan outpost with news of the attack on the Dregan portā€”ā€

King Brian cut him off. ā€œI want the name.ā€

James read from a piece of paper. ā€œThe Dreskenar port.ā€

I recognized it. ā€œThatā€™s the narrowest part of the channel. On a clear day, you can see the Dreskenar port from Prastis.ā€

ā€œThank you, Isabelle,ā€ King Brian said.

James continued, using his notes for reference. ā€œTwo Nistier ships also witnessed the attack. The captain of the Wind Rogue says his sister ship, the Night Crusader, captained by his cousin, was armed with supplies for the Callan outpost. The Night Crusader suddenly veered into the Dreganā€™s half of the channel and set the Dreskenar port ablaze with bombs thrown from their ship. The Dregans destroyed them with bombs of their own. There are no expected survivors. We are unsure whether any Dregans perished. The captain says he and the captains of the two Nistier ships immediately turned around and headed for their home port.ā€

An older man in the crisp white-and-black clothing of a noble entered the room and bowed. ā€œHighness, the Nistierans have just learned of the attack and are demanding answers. They are threatening to end all alliances with us if we have deliberately chosen to start a war with Dregaitia.ā€

Queen Averly appeared and took her place by her husbandā€™s side.

King Brian spoke. ā€œTell the Nistierans we havenā€™t sanctioned an attack on Dregaitia, that this is under investigation.ā€

Multiple maids came in with trays of food and an assortment of drinks.

The older nobleman bowed and left.

The maids set the food at the end of the long table and rushed out with alarmed faces.

Meanwhile, King Brian spoke to James. ā€œI want to speak with the captain of the Wind Rogue. Now.ā€

ā€œOf course.ā€ James hurried out.

Malsin and James nearly collided at the door. Malsin poured steaming tea into cups. He unscrewed the cap on a silver flask and poured a green liquid into each drink. ā€œBetter take it with tea; I havenā€™t perfected the taste yet.ā€ He handed them out. ā€œI havenā€™t detected any side effects yet, but I would recommend getting real sleep as soon as an opportunity arises.ā€

As we sipped on the tea, I noticed my body gradually becoming more alert. My eyes gained a sharper focus as energy poured into my veins.

James returned with a gold locket glowing blue and handed it to King Brian. ā€œThis is King Brian Sorren of Aberron speaking. Is this the captain of the Wind Rogue?ā€

A gravelly voice floated out of the locket. ā€œThis is Mark Stimms, captain of the Wind Rogue at your service, Highness.ā€

ā€œIā€™m told you witnessed a ship attack a Dregan port,ā€ King Brian said.

I found myself holding my breath. The room thickened with tension.

ā€œYes, Highness,ā€ Mark said. ā€œMy cousinā€™s ship, the Night Crusader. My cousin Brett and I areā€”wereā€”business partners. We deliver supplies to the outposts and various docks. Highness, I trusted Brett with my life. He had a family, a wife and three little girls he adored. I canā€™t believe he willingly attacked the Dregans.ā€

ā€œBut you saw the Night Crusader launch an assault on the Dreskenar port?ā€ King Brian asked.

ā€œYes. Even in the dark, I knew it was one of our ships,ā€ Mark said with rueful conviction.

ā€œDid you notice anything suspicious about the crew before they shipped off?ā€ King Brian asked.

ā€œNo,ā€ Mark answered.

ā€œI appreciate your insight, and Iā€™m sorry for your loss. Please remain at the Elan outpost in case I have further need of you. That is all.ā€ King Brian returned the locket to James, who then vacated the room.

Joshua set his teacup on the saucer. ā€œThis doesnā€™t sit well with me. A single merchant ship attacking a Dregan military port? Itā€™s a suicide mission. No sane crew would do it. Iā€™m not apt to believe all of them went crazy at once.ā€

ā€œAgreed,ā€ King Brian said.

ā€œThe Night Crusader attacked at night, right?ā€ Henry asked rhetorically. ā€œWhat if a crew in smaller boats, rowboats, or something not easily seen in the dark commandeered the vessel? They couldā€™ve held the crew hostage and assumed their positions, then used the ship and their military supplies for the Callan outpost to attack the Dreskenar port.ā€

ā€œAnd kill themselves?ā€ Joshua asked dryly.

ā€œNot necessarily.ā€ Henry leaned back. ā€œThey couldā€™ve had a yellow mage to camouflage them as they jumped into their escape boats. With the ship and original crew destroyed, thereā€™s no one to pin it on but the men who died.ā€

ā€œYou think weā€™ve been played.ā€ King Brian didnā€™t seem to disbelieve the validity of the suggestion.

ā€œI think Dregaitia, or someone, was looking for an excuse to start a war for their own enjoyment or profit,ā€ Henry answered energetically. ā€œOur natural resources, like our hot springs and fertile growing lands, are the envy of the surrounding kingdoms. Land-wise, we have everything we need to viably sustain ourselves.ā€

A soldier entered and announced the arrival of Braidus.

My stomach clenched. This is it.

ā€œSend him in,ā€ King Brian said.

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